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Club Goals


Membership Focus
This year the focus will continue to be on growth and our current club membership.  We have set a goal of three new members in 2012-13. Additionally, we will focus on our current club membership; to maintain the current membership level and make current members feel like family. The membership Chairman will remind Club members of the need to recruit at each meeting, and encourage members to bring a guest to every meeting and club activity. 

New Initiatives
Holding service projects and participating in community events continue to be the best way to show Lions to the community and induce new membership.  The Club will look to increase its visible service activities to at least one event a quarter.  Sponsoring a Bland Contest and employing the District’s Sight and Hearing van at Tabernacle Church's Block Party are two annual events that we will build upon.  And while it doesn't directly support someone in need, the Club's participation in the annual Poquoson Christmas Parade brings a sense of seasonal joy to all of those who come to watch.  The Club's recently granted Adopt-a-Spot location of South Lawson Park offers another opportunity to show the Club's public commitment.  This long-term undertaking will display to the community that the spirit of Lions is alive and well in Poquoson and worthy of joining in.  Our Public Relations Committee will use each of these to meet their goal of getting a picture or article published in the local newspapers at least once every other month.  These articles will highlight our Club’s contributions to local activities.
Formal Induction
Each prospective member will be presented with a New Member Kit that will also contain a copy of the current Constitution and By-Laws, Club Directory, and an explanation of the mission of the Club and Lions International.  Each new member will be formally inducted, and presented with a Lapel pin, and immediately assigned to an active committee.  The Membership Chair and sponsor will coordinate and schedule an induction ceremony for each new member, and coordinate with the Vice-Presidents for committee assignments.

Entertaining Meetings
The Club President will do all in his power and his imagination to make the club meetings fun and entertaining.  Traditional dinner meetings will be mixed with outside the box initiatives to make the meetings more enticing for prospective members of all ages.  The four components of Lions will remain at the forefront of the programs, but the Club will define its own priorities as endorsed by LCI.  Traditions of the club will be maintained while looking to create new ones to better attract and maintain membership.




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